Skin Cancer: Diagnosis, Symptoms, And Prevention
Skin cancer is an abnormal growth of skin cells and it develops on the skin that is exposed to the sun all the time. The most common type of cancer can also appear in those areas that are not overly exposed. There are mainly three major types in which basal cell carcinoma¸ melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma are included. You can reduce the risk of growing cancer in your body by limiting your sun exposure but if you are feeling any changes in your skin then you must go for Skin Cancer Diagnosis Brisbane. It is very easy to detect it and at an early stage, it is easy to treat it as well.
These are the signs that you might be feeling if you are suffering from this dangerous disease.
Basal Cell carcinoma
Skin becomes very smooth and pearly, looks waxy, appear as firm with red lumps in the middle, and appear as brown on the darker skin, feeling of irritation, bleeding, and many others.
Squamous cell carcinoma
Skin looks scaly, hard, crusty, pink or red, raised from the center, tender to touch, and bleeding, etc.
A large brownish spot on the skin or a mole that changes color and bleed, a small cut with irregular borders that looks red, white or blue, itchiness, and many other signs.
It is better to avoid going out in the sun in the middle of the day when the sun is extremely hot. In warm countries, the sun rays are strong between 11 am to 4 pm. You need to schedule your outdoor activities when the sky is cloudy or in the evening. We absorb sun radiation in the entire year but clouds offer us a little protection. Avoiding the sun will help to avoid the risk of sunburns and damages.
To reduce the risk of skin cancer, it is better to wear sunscreen as an important skin routine. Use SPF of at least 30 even when the weather is cloudy. Try to reapply it after two to three hours for protecting yourself.
You can cover your open areas by using sunscreen but to cover the entire body, you have to wear protective clothing. Use full-arm and darker color clothes, cover your head with a scarf or hat. By using these tips, you can do Skin Cancer Prevention Brisbane.
If you are feeling any changes in the skin appearance then do not ignore these signs but immediately visit the skin doctor.